“A Conversation between Truth and Peace”

Crossing the United States is fascinating, whether by air, auto, water, or train, as I did it this time. I was traveling to my cousin David’s wedding in Ventura, California, and I decided to take the scenic route. It was a different experience. No need to pack and unpack. The food was good, and the [...]

“A Conversation between Truth and Peace”2024-07-10T22:52:37+00:00


Last Thursday, I was privileged to stand with more than 70 fellow graduates on the campus of the Jewish Theological Seminary, which this year celebrated its 130th commencement ceremony. Wolf Blitzer, the CNN anchor, delivered the commencement address, which offered inspiring personal stories about his Jewish upbringing. He also shared his observation regarding the surge [...]


“Passing Over to Nicaragua”

We had a wonderful Seder at the synagogue with about 30 people — young and old, men and women, members and guests, children, all colors. Our B’nei Mitzvah, Julian Graf and Ayla Eisenberg, were chasing the afikomen under the watchful eye of Julian’s older sister, Savana. A festive Seder. Yet a bittersweet Seder this year [...]

“Passing Over to Nicaragua”2024-05-01T21:43:44+00:00

The Sin of War”

Every time I read the name Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas, I behold the embodiment of the sin of war. Sin and war are also the two words that make up his name. Like Haman in ancient Persia, who plotted to annihilate a nation, Hamas today holds the same agenda, only by a different [...]

The Sin of War”2024-04-24T02:09:01+00:00

“Learning Torah at our Shul”

It was one of those moments in synagogue that intrigued me, challenged me to look deeper at Torah commentary. In discourse this Shabbat about the clothing of the High Priest, I was explaining the difference between the word tzitz at the forehead of the High Priest in Exodus 28:36, and tzitzit – the tassels with [...]

“Learning Torah at our Shul”2024-03-06T22:54:52+00:00

“Richard’s Challenge and the Yarmulke Day”

The day I returned from my recent trip to Israel, I attended the funeral of my dear friend Dr. Richard Dackow. Richard and his wife Linda were early students of Project Genesis Interfaith and participated in one of our pilgrimages to Israel. Richard, a devout Catholic, spent most of his time there at Israeli hospitals [...]

“Richard’s Challenge and the Yarmulke Day”2024-02-01T17:20:58+00:00

“Together We Will Win” 

While traveling through Israel during the past two weeks, I saw unforgettable sights — pictures of the kidnapped, of course, but also a sign that reads “Beyachad Nenatzeach” (Together we will win). Togetherness may not have been one of the goals of this war, but it is a goal of the Jewish people to cohere. [...]

“Together We Will Win” 2024-01-03T21:36:09+00:00

“The Misguided Premise of the Anti-Israel Message”

The dramatic pro-Palestinian demonstration that took place on Nov. 15 gave witness that Columbia University continues to be a battlefield and a tinderbox of Palestinian Protest, colored by a distortion (intentional or not) of the Palestinian cause. Since 2008, I have seen the slow progress of Apartheid Week on the Columbia campus, developing from a [...]

“The Misguided Premise of the Anti-Israel Message”2024-01-03T21:51:25+00:00

“The War of Torah” 

What a difference a Shabbat makes…  It’s been three weeks since Israel was attacked and brought into war once again. We gathered at our shul for a special time of prayers, and another time on Shelter Island with 80 people coming to show support. We said the Blessing for Israel and Mi Sheberach for IDF [...]

“The War of Torah” 2023-11-01T22:09:34+00:00

“50 at 50”

As a traveler, I have crisscrossed America many times — back and forth, up and down. I’ve climbed mountains and descended into valleys and canyons. This year, at 50 years old, my goal was to visit Alaska and Hawaii, the last two of the 50 states. I planned this trip for many months, interviewed friends who [...]

“50 at 50”2023-10-06T18:11:21+00:00
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