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Talking God
Sunday, June 21, 7 PM
online through Zoom
This Sunday, June 21 at 7 PM, Project-Genesis invites you to join us as we continue our new venture – “Talking God.” In this hour long weekly live streaming via Zoom and Facebook, Fr. Roy Tvrdik, SMM, Rabbi Gadi Capela, and Dr. Don Russo, PhD, will host discussions with guests about matters of concern or interest to the religious community. Our emphasis will be on how God talks to us through our life circumstances, and how we can respond.
Our guest this week will be Rabbi Charles Simon.  Rabbi Simon served as the Executive Director of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs of the Conservative Movement in America from 1981 until his retirement in 2017. Under his guidance, FJMC has produced numerous books, guides, films, and programs designed to enhance Jewish life, for men and women and their communities at large.
More about RABBI SIMON:

Rabbi Simon has been responsible for the production of a host of materials designed to make Jewish life more accessible. These accomplishments include the development of the highly acclaimed Art of Jewish Living series, authored by Dr. Ron Wolfson, the writing and production of two educational films, A Guide to the Shabbat Morning Torah Service and The Ties That Bind. He edited and supervised the Hearing Men’s Voices series, a series of five manuals designed to assist Jewish men to address issues facing them today. Rabbi Simon has also written 2 books devoted to teaching people how to lead and participate in community prayer. He has been published in Commentary Magazine, Judaism Magazine and Reform Judaism.

Rabbi Simon was instrumental in the creation of the Leadership Council of Conservative Judaism. In addition, he is responsible for starting and nurturing Masorti congregations in France and the United Kingdom. His Mezuzah Housewarming party was translated into Spanish in 2005 as was his film The Ties That Bind. In November 2007 Rabbi Simon received the prestigious Sheirut l’am (Service to our People) award from the World Council of Synagogues and in 2011 the Yuval Award from the Cantors Assembly. He currently serves as the Conservative/Masorti Movement’s representative to Europe.

A 1977 graduate of the Rabbinical School of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Rabbi Simon served as a congregational rabbi before coming to the FJMC. Outside of FJMC’s auspices he wrote a book titled Developing a Successful Volunteer Culture, reflecting his long interest is the development of lay leadership and the cultivation of volunteers.

To join, simply go to project-genesis.org and join the meeting.

You can also view it on Project-Genesis’ Facebook page.
God bless us all,
Fr. Roy Tvrdik, Rabbi Gadi Capela, Dr. Don Russo