About Project Genesis Interfaith

Jewish-Christian Interfaith Learning & Pilgrimages Project Genesis is a Jewish-Christian Learning Program, where Christians and Jews are invited to learn about the common roots of their faith and heritage, building bridges between the two communities. This process of learning is accomplished through interfaith lectures and pilgrimage experiences.

“Invocation for Independence”

On July 2, I was asked to deliver an invocation at the Village of Orient’s observance of Heritage Day. In planning my remarks to the villagers and guests, I was reminded that only a few years previous, I had the distinct honor to share that spot with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomayor. This time [...]

“Invocation for Independence”2023-08-02T21:59:38+00:00


ME AND MY SHADOW FROM THE PROFESSOR   In a recent conversation with a very close friend, I heard this response to part of our give-and-take, “Stop walking in your own shadow.” It stopped me in my tracks. I trust my friend and thus I knew my response had to be hurtful. I know that [...]

ME AND MY SHADOW2023-07-26T22:33:51+00:00


As her three-year term as the president of our beloved CTI closes, I want to thank Judy Weiner, and express my deepest gratitude and heartfelt appreciation for her outstanding leadership and unwavering dedication throughout the time. Her steadfast commitment to the growth and prosperity of our synagogue have helped propel it into the future, especially [...]


“Extend A Hand For Peace”

Over the past few decades, a new initiative toward peace has emerged — Jewish-Christian interfaith pilgrimages to the Holy Land. These inclusive visits to sites holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims lay the groundwork for understanding and acceptance among the travelers and, in a way, serve as test cases for peace in a controlled environment. [...]

“Extend A Hand For Peace”2023-06-07T20:50:22+00:00


The Apostles were drunk!  Pentecost is about the celebration of unconditional love. Have we ever loved anyone unconditionally? Have we ever experienced being loved unconditionally? If we have, then we can begin to understand/experience what God’s love for us is all about. Let our prayer be a reflection on the truth of our own experience. [...]

MOMENTS OF GRACE: PENTECOST 20232023-05-26T14:57:25+00:00

Theology 101: Church History with Father Roy Tvrdik January 11, 2023

Father Roy Tvrdik leads parishioners and friends of Our Lady of Ostrabrama RC church in lessons and discussions on the history and theology of the Catholic Church. This week Father Roy recaps what we have learned so far about salvation history. We begin a new chapter in "The History of the Church, A Complete Course": [...]

Theology 101: Church History with Father Roy Tvrdik January 11, 20232023-04-26T21:40:29+00:00

“Sassoons for the Seder: The Story of the Four Children of the Haggadah”

My class recently visited “The Sassoons,” an exhibit at the Jewish Museum in Manhattan. Through family photographs, documents, artwork, and textiles, we observed the history and legacy of this prominent and wealthy Jewish family of Iraqi origin. They were known as the “Rothschilds of the East.” It is a family story told through four generations of traders, socialites, [...]

“Sassoons for the Seder: The Story of the Four Children of the Haggadah”2023-04-26T21:43:52+00:00

“A Yellow Candle for Passover”

Passover is just a week away — the spring holiday of new beginnings. For Jews, a new beginning always dovetails a previous episode. We are conflicted by hope for the future, and also harsh memories. Passover is one of those memorial days that evokes both, especially due to its proximity to Yom HaShoah, a week later. [...]

“A Yellow Candle for Passover”2023-04-07T00:53:09+00:00

“The Holy Season of Lent”

“For Christ, our paschal lamb, has been sacrificed. Therefore let us celebrate the feast, not with old yeast… but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.” (1 Corinthians 5: 7-8) The HOLY season of Lent is upon us. Lent is what we call a penitential season. For Christians, Penance is a necessity. In fact, the [...]

“The Holy Season of Lent”2023-03-01T22:09:41+00:00

“Traveling to Israel”

It was an exceptionally stormy Monday when we arrived at Ben Gurion Airport on Feb. 6. On our way from the airport to the hotel in Tel Aviv, hail was falling on the windshield of our minibus. Our group of 12 pilgrims, none ever having been to the holy land, were ushered into the country [...]

“Traveling to Israel”2023-03-01T22:05:25+00:00
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