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The Indigenousness of the Jewish People to Israel 

A panel discussion inspired by

The Day to Mark the Departure and Expulsion of Jews from the Arab Countries and Iran

Thursday, November 30, 2023, 7-8 PM

Columbia University

Uris Hall 107

In person, on Zoom, and recorded

Moderated by 

Rabbi Gadi Capela

The Forgotten Refugees

A graduate student and Rabbi of Congregation Tifereth Israel in Greenport, NY. Of Yemenite descent. For nearly two decades, co-leads Project Genesis Interfaith, which focuses on dialogue with Christians and Muslims in America and Israel.

Dr. David Sclar

Jewish Continuity through Rare Manuscripts

Historian of early modern Jewish history and the curator of the exhibition The Golden Path: Maimonides Across Eight Centuries, currently on view at the Center for Jewish History.

Michael Levinson

Upcoming Book about the Middle East

An exploration of the Jewish connection to Israel through the eyes of a Diaspora Jew. He holds a B.A. in Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, Columbia College, 2005.

Other Personal Mizrahi and Sephardi Stories

The stories of Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews in the Columbia and NY communities, whose families were forced to flee the countries of their birth in the years following 1948.

Francine Glick (Egypt), Julie Guedj (Tunisia/Algeria), Tomer Sinai (Iraq), Dr. Nachum Turetzky (Yemen)

Zoom link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/945492769?pwd=VVdLbVA0cURuM1hMUkFRZDM0M3hkQT09